
Auto Blocker

3in1 Auto-blocker with built-in frame reader & lensmeter

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Frame reading, lens centering and blocking are performed automatically

The HAB-8000X integrates a tracer, lensmeter, and blocker for convenient use. With just one button, all processes such as reading the frame, recognizing the optical center, and blocking are performed automatically

HAB-8000X: 3in1 Auto-blocker with built-in frame reader & lensmeter

Digital Scan & Hole Detection

The Digital Scan feature scans the shape and hole position/size of the demo lens and displays it on the LCD screen in a 1:1 scale, allowing for intuitive and quick operations. Additionally, it automatically transmits real-time measurements such as frame curve data, FPD, and minimum lens diameter to the main unit

Automatic Recognition of Lens Center for all Kinds of Lenses

It automatically recognizes various lens types, including single vision, bifocal, and progressive lenses. Additionally, with a high-performance lensmeter built-in, it accurately calculates the SPH, CYL, and axis of low prescription lenses, allowing for precise blocking at the frame center. When using single vision lenses, it conveniently blocks automatically without the need for cumbersome marking



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