

WAVEFRONT TECHNOLOGY로 개인별 맞춤 시력교정까지 완벽하게

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Wavefront Technology로 정확하게 굴절이상 검사

망막에서 반사되어 각막을 통해 빠져나오는 빛의 파면(Wavefront)을 수많은 점으로 나누어 각 위치별 굴절력을 데이터 영역별로 측정합니다. 이를 종합적으로 분석하여 (Wavefront Technology) 신뢰성 있는 측정결과를 제공합니다.

Comprehensive aberration data measurement with the Aberration Map

In addition to conventional data such as Spherical, Cylinder, and Axis, high order aberration data is graphically displayed in a Zernike map. High order aberration data such as Coma, Trefoil, Spherical Aberration, Secondary Astigmatism, and Tetrafoil, previously only available in wavefront aberrometers, is now accessible in Huvitz HRK-8100A!

Detailed eye health analysis

HRK-8100A applies a separate measurement method for intraocular lens or cataract measurement. It allows for the observation of eye health conditions such as lenticular opacity in cataract patients or cornea injury caused by contact lens wear. The Full Color CCD camera and white LED light source in the Auto Ref-Keratometer enable you to assess the contact lens fitting status, a feature previously only possible with slit lamps

A user-friendly examination environment with features like Auto Tracking

HRK-8100A automatically tracks and measures the measurement points. With just a press of the Up & Down buttons, users can comfortably and quickly set the height of the measuring point





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