Opthalmology & Optometry Product
Introducing a variety of Huvitz products sold in the global market.
New Product
Intraoral OCT Scanner
보다 정확하고 선명하게
- 정밀도 높은 OCT 기술
- AI 기술로 보철물 제작을 더 편리하게
- 더 넓고 깊어진 스캔 영역으로 빠르게
Auto Blocker
3in1 Auto-blocker with built-in frame reader & lensmeter
- Frame reading, lens centering and blocking are performed automatically
- Digital Scan & Hole Detection
- Automatic Recognition of Lens Center for all Kinds of Lenses
Lilivis SCAN
치과용 구강스캐너
오차 없이, 깊고 빠르게
- 더 빨라진 스캐닝 테크놀로지
- 가벼운 무게와 인체공학 디자인
- 자동교합분석 기능으로 더욱 정교해진 인상 획득
New Product
News & Update
News & Update
Huvitz aims to create a technology that has never existed in the world, which can contribute to the health of the eyes of mankind around the world. 1st Launched of South Korea’s first automaticref-keratometer 1st Launched of South Korea’s first automaticref-keratometer
Huvitz develops opti...
Optometric diagnosis is important for all ages regardless of level of eyesight....
Core Technology
Optometric diagnosis is important for all ages regardless of level of eyesight....
You are able to meet...
Optometric diagnosis is important for all ages regardless of level of eyesight....
News & Update
- 기술
Huvitz develops optical technologies leading the South Korean
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Core Technology
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You are able to meet Huvitz’s technologies
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