Huvitz Lens Edger AS – When water doesn’t come out in the edging room

When processing eyeglass lenses, trimming the edges is an essential step. During this process, water plays a critical role by cooling the heat generated in the Lens Edger, reducing friction between the lens and the wheel, and washing away lens debris. Therefore, water is crucial during the processing stage. Without water supply, the processing results may be poor, or the lifespan of the equipment may be shortened. If water is not flowing in the edging room, it’s important to quickly perform a product check.


If there is no water coming out in the edging room while using a Huvitz Lens Edger, check a few key factors and resolve the issue easily!



Why is water not coming out?

Diagnosing the pump

Menu > Diagnostic Mode > Pump Tab Click > Turn on Pump 1

First, check if water is coming out of the pump. If water comes out when you go through the diagnostic mode in the order above, the machine is functioning normally. If no water is coming out, it means there is an issue that requires inspection. There are two common reasons why water might not come out in the edging room: (1) air is trapped in the pump that supplies water to the edging room, or (2) the pump is completely broken.

Now, let’s check whether the pump is broken. By confirming whether it’s broken, you’ll know whether you need to send it for maintenance or if it can be easily fixed!


When Water Isn’t Coming Out in the Lens Edger’s Edging Room

How to Check for a Pump Malfunction

First, let’s check if there is air in the pump. Find the silver clip on the connection, disconnect the connection, and remove the pump. Wait for about 5 minutes. By disconnecting the hose and removing the pump, the air inside the pump will automatically be released.


A quick note!

Why does water not come out when there is air in the pump?

When air is trapped in the pump, it tries to push air instead of water, and as a result, it cannot generate enough pressure to draw water up. To resolve this, the air inside the pump must be removed, and the pump should be filled with water!

If you’ve waited for about 5 minutes to let the air escape, place the pump back into the water tank and reconnect the hose that was detached. Then, follow the same steps as in the diagnostic mode to turn on Pump 1 and check if the pump is working properly.

Left) Works properly

Right) Does not work

If water comes out in the edging room at this point, the issue has been resolved. If water does not come out, the pump is malfunctioning, and you should contact Huvitz for service. You can easily check the water pump malfunction using this simple method, so if there is an issue with the pump, please follow the instructions above. If there is a water pump malfunction, Huvitz will assist you in quickly and courteously replacing the pump.

Please contact us at 1588-0673!


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