HS Series

Slit Lamp

HS-5000 / HS-5500 / HS-7000 / HS-7500

High-end slit lamp offering superior image quality through advanced lenses

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Delivers bright and clear vision

The Huvitz high end slit lamp series offers a wider angle, live image and increased accuracy

HS-7000 / 7500
- 12.5x Eye pieces - 6x:38.5mm, 10x:24mm, 16x:15mm, 25x:9mm, 40x:6mm
- 10x Eye pieces(Optional) - 5x:38.5mm, 8x:24mm, 12x:15mm, 20x:9mm, 32x:6mm

HS-5500 / 5000
- 12.5x Eye pieces - 6x : 38.5mm, 10x : 22.2mm, 16x : 15.2mm, 25x : 10.5mm, 40x : 6.1mm

Image showing dial for changing magnification

Maintains fast and clear visibility

The 5-position drum-style magnification changer offers a wide range of magnification from 6x to 40x, easily accessible by rotating the drum. The design of this system, along with the unique Huvitz optic system allows for more accurate diagnosis and observation without any image distortion at any magnification level

- Magnification : 6X, 10X, 16X, 25X, 40X

Easily utilizes various filters

The built-in color filters allow for detailed observation of contact lens fitting and corneal damage. A yellow filter is conveniently located near the ocular for effortless insertion of the fluorescein pattern. Filters are easily inserted with a control lever

- Options include : Cobalt blue, Red-free, Heat absorption, Grey, Yellow

Image of HS-7000 with yellow filter



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* Specification and design are subject to change without notice.


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