S/W to transmit the data from the product to PC

Convenient transmission and printing of patient examination results

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View and save the measured patient data and images

After performing an examination on the HRK-8100A, HRK-9000A, HNT-1/1P and HTR-1A, you can transmit the patient's refraction and keratometry data, as well as images, to HRK-MATE. Results from IOL, Color, Meibo, and TBUT modes can be transmitted in their respective modes. Additionally, you can save and review patient reports and images from Wavefront, IOL/COLOR, and Meibo/TBUT in jpg and bmp image formats.

HRK-Mate Patient Test Results Report

Generate and print examination result reports

HRK-Mate allows you to create and print patient examination results as reports and supports print preview.

Convenient patient management

In the Patient Information section, you can write or modify the patient's name, ID, gender, birth date, and memo by pressing the Edit button. Additionally, you can select specific patient data from the Patient List. When examination data is received, HRK-Mate will automatically add it to the Patient List.

HRK MATE's detailed patient management screen

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