Auto Ref-Keratometer

HRK-1 that automatically moves and accurately measures based on the diopter of the examinee's eye

Explore Details

Accurate vision measurement

Considering the refractive error of the patient, the measurement ring is projected on the retina, and is adjusted automatically by Smart Assembly Moving to secure a stable signal. HRK improves the effect of uneven light reflection in normal and cataract eyes with the results being more accurate refractive power data

diagram of Smart Assembly Moving Control(SAMC) Tech
Smart Assembly Moving Control(SAMC) Tech
Screenshot of Aiming Dot function
Aiming Dot

Rapid guidance to the measurement position

The Aiming Dot quickly guides you to easily find the patient’s visual apex from any position for fast alignment. Reliable refractive power data is then automatically obtained

Color View Mode

Color View Mode allows you to assess the condition of the eyes and the fitting status of contact lenses, and provides corneal curvature values for prescribing contact lenses. Furthermore, it is capable of color display with a Full Color camera and White LED illumination

Screenshot of Color View Mode
Color View Mode



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