Optical Biometry

Optical Biometer with Full Corneal Topography System

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Optimized workflow for Cataract surgery

Calculate accurate IOL Power values using various formulas and provide optimized workflow for cataract surgery by simultaneously measuring 10 optical biometry and full corneal topography values. Toric IOL are used for astigmatism, presbyopia correction for multifocal IOL and Spherical IOL for clear vision, etc. The user is guided to select the optimal IOL to correct refractive errors.

Installed Formula :
Barrett(Universal II, Universal II Toric, True-K, True-K Toric, Rx), Holladay, SRK2, SRK/T, HofferQ, Haigis, Camellin Calossi, Shammas No History

Provide accurate IOL power calculation

Biometry and topography values are provided by the HBM-1, which consistently calculate even in case of cataract patients. Dense Cataract Mode (DCM) is a feature of the device that enhances and recalculates weak light signals to ensure reliable data in patients with dense cataract.

Myopia management & prescription lens

Monitor changes in patients’ visual acuity data including alterations in axial length (AL) and refraction. The comparison of diagnoses from glasses and lenses, pre- and post-prescription, can be made easier, and regular management of eye care needs, like monitoring floaters that affect vision, is supported.

User-friendly Biometry from measurement to report analysis

Enhance your usability with the HBM-1, which features connectivity, voice guidance, and auto-tracking. The user-friendly environment is made by the comprehensive report, which ensures smooth operation for practitioners.




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