Korea Blindness Prevention Foundation & Huvitz Conduct Free Mobile Eye Exams in Yanggu County

Korea Blindness Prevention Foundation & Huvitz Conduct Free Mobile Eye Exams in Yanggu County
Huvitz Supports Mobile Clinic Bus…Examines Eye Health of Seniors in Underserved Areas

The Korea Blindness Prevention Foundation (Chairman Kang Yun-gu) and the eye care company Huvitz (CEO Kim Hyun-soo) held a free eye examination for seniors aged 60 and above in Yanggu County on June 17.

This free eye exam was conducted with Huvitz providing a mobile medical bus, and the Korea Blindness Prevention Foundation dispatching a mobile medical team (Professor Kim Eung-su, Head of Ophthalmology at Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital, and three medical examiners). The event was part of their ‘mobile eye exam’ initiative targeting medically underserved regions, specifically in Yanggu County, Gangwon Province.

The event was particularly well-received by elderly residents of Dongmyeon and Haean-myeon in Yanggu County, who had long struggled with access to eye care. Many seniors requiring urgent surgery for cataracts, glaucoma, and other conditions were identified, and timely preventive measures to prevent blindness were taken.

As part of its social contribution efforts, Huvitz has been collaborating with the Korea Blindness Prevention Foundation on the mobile eye exam project. The mobile medical bus supported by Huvitz is equipped with advanced eye diagnostic equipment developed by the company, including tonometers, slit-lamp microscopes, OCT, and biometers, to optimize mobile eye care in underserved areas.

On the day of the examination, Professor Kim Eung-su, Head of Ophthalmology at Chung-Ang University Gwangmyeong Hospital, personally conducted eye exams for the elderly and provided on-site prescriptions for eye drops, including artificial tears and antibiotics, as well as simple procedures. Additionally, all 120 seniors who participated were provided with reading glasses and eye health guides to support their eye care.

Yanggu County expressed their gratitude, noting that the elderly residents had received quality medical services for the first time in a long while, making it a meaningful experience.

The Korea Blindness Prevention Foundation is planning to conduct another eye examination in Bangsan-myeon, another underserved area of Yanggu County, in October, and Huvitz plans to continue supporting the mobile eye exam project in underserved regions.


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